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Staying Safe in the Age of Terror: Importance of a Strong Security System

Babatunde Fadairo

In the past few years, there have been several instances of mass shootings, robberies, bombings and much more. Running a business, or managing a residential building in such circumstances isn’t easy. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of investing in a strong security system.

Increasing Terrorism

Terrorism has become a global threat. Every other day, we hear about terrorists or extremist groups threatening to use violence in public places. In such circumstances, it’s more important than ever to invest in a strong security system.

Whether you’re a homeowner, a building manager or a business owner, you can’t afford to neglect security measures any longer. From installing security cameras to setting up security alarms and hiring armed security guards, taking these security measures is necessary to maintain the safety of your family, your employees or residents of a building.

Play Your Part

When you have security arrangements such as security guards in place, it’s easier for the police and other agencies to help people in emergency situations.

Burglaries and Robberies

Robbers and burglars often target businesses and residential buildings, in addition to banks. Research shows that robberies have doubled since the coronavirus outbreak, and there were a total of 564 commercial burglaries last year in NYC alone. Considering these figures, it’s important to ensure the safety of your family or employees at all times.

Training Your Family and Employees

In addition to enhancing security, it’s also important to make sure that people are prepared to deal with an emergency security threat. Teaching your family members or employees the basics of self defense can make a huge difference.

Get Security for Your Office

If you also wish to strengthen the security of your workplace or any residential building, reach out to us. At FBY Security, we provide professional security services for schools, hotels, malls, restaurants, and many other places in NYC. All our guards are certified and trained personnel and they are always well-equipped to ensure your safety.

We offer fireguard and temporary guard services as well. From Downtown Brooklyn to Greenwood Heights, we provide services across the state.

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